Cases of tax evasion could be investigated not only by the competent bodies, but also by the State Tax Service. The Ministry of Finance submitted a relevant bill that changes the legal status of the State Tax Service, IPN reports.
The bill empowers the Service to investigate cases of tax evasion. It says that owing to the interruption in the consistency of the actions imitated by the fiscal bodies the investigation of economic and financial crimes is delayed, the cases of modification of the obtained evidence are favored and the actions of the offenders are thus reformulated. As a result, the investigation is dropped. “It is now opportune to regulate the activity of an anti-fraud body that will include prosecution officers and investigation officers who have the right to wear uniform,” says the document.
The bill stipulates that the director will be named according to professional criteria for a limited period of time. Also, the State Tax Service asks introducing taxes for the provision of information to the applicants as the number of private applicants is rather high and the Service is thus distracted from its main duties.
The bill will be implemented at a cost of about 900,000 lei. The money will go to cover cost associated with the change of name and with the uniform.