Spring starts with snow and sleet

Spring starts with unstable weather due to a weather front crossing the country. Precipitation in the form of rain, sleet and snow is forecast for the weekend, IPN reports.

"The weather will be influenced by an atmospheric front, which means that on March 1 and 2 there will be light, isolated moderate precipitation in the rain, sleet and snowfall phase," said Ghennadii Rosca, head of the Meteorological Forecasting Department of the State Hydrometeorological Service.

The layer of snow that will settle as a result of the precipitation will create conditions for the formation of ice and icing on the roads.

Nighttime temperatures over the weekend will be between -3 and +3 degrees Celsius, and during the day between +3 and +8 degrees Celsius. On Monday, temperatures will range between +5 and +10 degrees Celsius," says Ghennadii Rosca.

Winds will blow from the southeast, light to moderate.

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