Spring fair at its 119th edition

The 119th edition of the Spring Fair contest-exhibition is being held in Chisinau between March 12 and April 12. One hundred plastic artists from Moldova displayed 135 titles of works at the exhibitions center “Constantin Brancusi”, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the president of the Union of Plastic Artists of Moldova Ghenadie Jalba, this year the works were selected according to strict criteria. “We want to maintain the specific features of the fair at a high level, but unfortunately we attracted fewer works of sculpture and graphic works,” Ghenadie Jalba said. Art critic Tudor Braga, the director of the exhibitions center “Constantin Brancusi”, said that the works are of a professional quality and maintain the upward trend of the arts in Moldova. He also said that a large number of young talents participate in the contest-exhibition this year. “The young persons make us hope for a better future of our arts, while the color of this exhibition is in consonance with the spring, unlike the autumn fairs that have a chromatic effervescence,” the art critic said. Among the 100 authors of works are such well-known plastic artists as Glebus Sainciuc, Eudochia Zavtur, Stefan Florecsu, Tudor Zbarnea, Tudor Cataraga and young people from arts education institutions. Painter Glebus Sainciuc, who is called the patriarch of the plastic arts in Moldova and is always present at the Spring Fairs, exhibited a portrait and two masks. “These fairs revitalize a lot the spiritual life of the city. Every time, I’m delighted to see the beautiful works of my colleagues and get acquainted with young talents,” he said. Svetlana Bolboceanu, a graduate of the Ion Creanga Teacher Training University, the faculty of plastic arts, said that she would like to participate in such exhibitions more often. “I intend to apply to the Union of Plastic Artists to be accepted as a member-probationer. For the purpose, I have to exhibit my works at exhibitions. I participate for the first time in the contest and I’m glad that my work is on display here,” Svetlana said. According to organizers, the methodology of assessing the works exhibited at the Spring Fair was modified this year. At the previous editions, the authors were awarded and then their woks displayed. This year it will be the other way round. The award ceremony will be held on April 9. The traditional spring and autumn fairs are organized by the Union of Plastic Artists of Moldova. The first spring fair in Chisinau took place in 1903 before Easter.

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