Spînu and Năstase: We will have PAS-PPPDA coalition in next Parliament

There will be a government alliance formed by the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) and the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” (PPPDA) in the next Parliament. The representatives of the two parties are sure that there will be a pro-European majority that would support a Government of professionals who will propose reforms in the justice sector and will unlock foreign financial assistance in the future legislative body. The representatives of the PAS and PPPDA anticipate that a pro-European government will be invested immediately after the elections of July 11, IPN reports.

The representatives of the PAS said they will compete in elections independently and will not form an electoral bloc with the PPPDA. According to the party’s secretary general Andrei Spînu, in the election campaign the two parties will not attack each other. The PAS will form a majority coalition with the PPPDA.

“In the future Parliament, we will form a coalition with good, honest, upright people who would govern in the interests of the country, including with the participation of the PPPDA. The leaders of the PPPDA said their measurements show they will enter the next Parliament and we will form a coalition with them. I don’t see risks as to the appearance of a coalition of the left in the future Parliament,” Andrei Spînu stated in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel.

The representatives of the PPPDA are sure that they will form part of the future legislature and, together with the PAS, immediately after the elections, will vote in a pro-European Government that would restore Moldova’s relations with the international financial institutions.  

“In the next Parliament, only these two parties can promote reforms and European values and, if this happens, on July 12-13 it will be clear how the Government will look like as we already lost a lot, including investments from Romania, European funds, the agreement with the IFM, and stagnated until now. There is no time to lose. A government of the PAS-PPPDA coalition will be formed immediately after the elections,” said PPPDA MP Vasile Năstase.

So far, the Central Election Commission registered the electoral bloc “Renato Usatîi” that was created by the Party “Patria” (“Homeland”) and Our Party. Negotiations to form an electoral bloc are held by the PSRM and PCRM. The election threshold for blocs consisting of two political entities is 7%.

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