Specialists of SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” (ACC) daily test the quality of drinking water before this is pumped through the distribution network of Chisinau municipality. Over 25 physical-chemical and bacteriological parameters of the drinking water are daily examined. All the water quality parameters in the treatment and supply process are verified monthly, IPN reports.
The public utility daily monitors the quality of water through the agency of two labs - the lab of the Nistru water station in Vadul lui Voda town and the drinking water lab. Thus, in the course of 2016 the labs ran over 170,000 physical-chemical examinations based on more than 183,000 samples and over 474,000 bacteriological tests. Different lab analyses are used to determine the quality of water. In the case of sanitary-hygienic indicators, the labs use 37 validated analytical methods.
The labs test the quality of water from such sources as the Nistru River, the water reception points of the wastewater treatment station in Chisinau and the Nistru water station, drinking water reservoirs, the centralized municipal water supply system, artesian wells and local spring wells managed by the company and newly build water pipes that are later connected to the centralized municipal system.
ACC calls on consumers to inform it about irregularities in the centralized water supply and sewerage system so that the required measures could be taken. The results of the examinations of the physical-chemical and bacteriological parameters of drinking water supplied through the centralized network are published quarterly on www.acc.md.