Special award for Moldovan production to be offered at SIMFEST

The 18th International Film and Television Festival SIMFEST starts in Romania’s Târgu Mureș on September 13. For the first time, a special award for the best production in Romania and the Republic of Moldova will be handed over at the festival, IPN reports, quoting a press release of SIMFEST Romania.

During a week, the Medieval Fortress in Târgu Mureș and ARTA Cinema will show over 50 audiovisual products in all the areas, from feature films to animation films and from short fiction films or documentaries to videos.

The official opening will be held at the Medieval Fortress at 11am, as part of a news conference that will involve most of the jury members.

The pre-selection jury chose from among 410 productions sent from 56 countries. The official selection involved 118 productions from 40 countries. All the continents are represented in the final competition.

A Romanian Film Week will be staged with projections each evening between September 13 and September 17, starting at 9am, at ARTA Cinema The program can be seen on www.simfest.ro or on the Facebook page of Simfest Romania.

A large part of the productions that reached the official selection will be broadcast daily on the festival’s Facebook page. Each film will be kept on the page for 24 hours.

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