Some 72% of pupils may spend two weeks in summer camps
Over 344,000 pupils under 16 – some 72% of the total -- will have the opportunity to spend two weeks in summer camps, Info-Prim Neo has learnt from the Education minister, Larisa Savga.
This year they plan to make operate 104 stay-in camps and 588 day-only camps. Holiday tickets will be distributed also in the districts not having such camps so far.
The Education Ministry will distribute 25 % of the resting tickets free to orphans or to children from poor families. They also will buy 500 resting tickets for the children from Transnistria.
The cost of a holiday ticket in the day-only camps is 780 lei, and 1,150 lei for the sports and stay-in camps, as the national budget disburses in this respect 19.8 million lei.
In 2007, over 300,000 children rested in such vacation camps -- 67 % of the total of the Moldovan pupils under 16 years.