Socialists want commission of inquiry into banking frauds

The Socialist parliamentary group requests to set up a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the theft committed in the Moldovan banking system, which would involve foreigner experts. In a press release, the group says the latest disclosures show that a number of state institutions were accomplices to that theft or knew about it, but kept silent. This makes the Socialists believe that the responsible institutions are not interested in identifying all those who were involved in the ‘theft of the century’, IPN reports.

The Socialists demand that this commission that will involve foreign experts should have access to all the documents referring to this case. This should question the chiefs of the responsible institutions and should correctly and objectively inform the people about those who committed the ‘theft of the century’.

The Socialist say they are against any suggestion that the billion stolen from the banking system should be recovered with the people’s assistance and assure that none of those to blame will be able to avoid criminal liability. For this to happen, the power in the state must be replaced.

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