The Socialist parliamentary group proposed a package of laws that support the families with many children. According to the Party of Socialists, the legislative initiatives are aimed at improving the situation in the fields of maternity and childhood, IPN reports.
MP Vladimir Odnostalko told a news conference that in 2015 alone the number of newborns was lower than that of deaths, the difference being of 1,269 people. The state should take measures to protect the mothers and children. Therefore, the Socialists drafted bills to support families with three and more children.
One of the bills defines the method of calculating and providing allowances to families with many children until the children turn 18. The monthly allowance for each child will be equal to 10% of the average official monthly salary. According to Vladimir Odnostalco, today the allowance will be of 530 lei. So, a family with three children will get 1,600 lei a month.
The Socialists also propose offering free medical and psychological assistance to future mothers who want to give up smoking, proving gratis powdered milk to children who are not breastfed and halving the public transport fare for families with many children.
The MP said the bills will be registered in Parliament in the course of this week.