Socialists invite society to apolitical protest this Sunday

The Bloc of Communists and Socialists calls on society to take part in an apolitical protest that will be mounted in central Chisinau on October 10. According to MP Vlad Batrîncea, everyone is invited to the protest, including political players and civil society. These will be able to state their position at the microphone, IPN reports.

According to the MP, the protesters will demand to ensure the rule of law, a clean political struggle and the observance of civilized norms and standards. “We must defend the rule of law. We must tell those who are in power that the method matters and the end does not justify the means,” said the MP.

Vlad Batrîncea noted that a tacky show was staged yesterday before the briefing announced by Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo for 6pm. Someone wanted to prevent this from presenting important information to public opinion. The materials that Alexandr Stoianoglo was to present in the briefing should be urgently published so that the citizens analyze Stoianoglo’s message.

The MP called on the diplomatic missions accredited to Moldova and the international organizations to come with a reaction to the recent events. “The recent developments showed that we have a dictatorial regime. Today the Republic of Moldova is returning to state capture. We are ready to take to the streets and struggle for democracy and freedom, for a fair trial, for the rule of law,” he stated.

According to the Socialists, the decision to mount a protest was taken following Alexandr Stoiangolo’s arrest with violations of the procedures.

Alexandr Stoianoglo was suspended from office and was placed under arrest for 72 hours on October 5, being charged with abuse of power, misconduct in office, passive corruption and falsehood. A number of items were seized from Stoianoglo’s office and are to be examined.

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