Socialist deputy says early elections inevitable

Ion Ceban, one of the leaders of the Socialist Party, is certain that early parliamentary elections next year are inevitable. Moreover, he predicts they will be held as early as in June or July.

Speaking at a talk-show on Realitatea TV, Ceban said his party would ensure that this happens, unless the prospective pro-European coalition doesn't fall apart by itself after failing to elect the Government.

He assured that the party's actions will remain within the boundaries of the law, but he didn't rule out protest rallies. “We've demonstrated that we can organize rallies as large as 50,000 people-strong and there are still more supporters who can join”.

The reason that would make people take to the streets, according to Ceban, would be that the three pro-European parties that are expected to form a coalition government won the elections mathematically rather than numerically. “If we analyze the results, we can see that the majority of people voted in fact for the Customs Union, that's 824,000 against 800,000 to be more precise. Those three parties simply cannot represent the will of the majority, who want Moldova to follow a different course”, said Ceban.

He also suggested that Moldova should become a federal sate. “There are a multitude of states with such a structure and they haven't lost their independence because of this. We should settle the reintegration of the eastern bank of the Nistru with the western one once and for all. And federalization could be one of the best solutions”, said Ion Ceban.

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