Social Security Agreement between Moldova and Italy, ratified by the Italian Senate

The Italian Senate has ratified the historic Social Security Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Italy, one month earlier than initially planned. After the Senate’s approval, the document will be forwarded for final ratification to the Chamber of Deputies, where a swift procedure is expected, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection states that this agreement will allow the aggregation of contribution periods from both countries, facilitating Moldovan citizens' access to pensions and other social benefits. Additionally, it will eliminate the need for travel to Italy to submit pension applications and ensure the direct payment of pensions in the Republic of Moldova without additional costs.

“The vote in the Italian Senate brings us one step closer to implementing the bilateral agreement on social security. This means tangible benefits and enhanced social protection for our citizens. I thank our Italian friends for this gesture of solidarity and support!” said Minister Alexei Buzu.

The agreement regulates a wide range of social benefits, such as old-age pensions, disability pensions resulting from illness or work accidents, and survivor’s pensions.

The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova ratified the Social Security Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Italy on November 28, 2024, after the document was signed in Rome on October 31, 2024.

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