The Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child and human rights defenders have joined efforts to fight the isolation of the persons with mental disabilities in residential institutions. On Tuesday, May 27, the Social Protection Ministry, the Open Society Mental Health Initiative, the Soros Foundation Moldova, Hope and Homes for Children and Keystone Human Services International signed a Memorandum of Understanding on deinstitutionalization and in-community living for persons with mental disabilities.
By signing the document, the Ministry and its non-governmental partners commit to engage in a four-year cooperation aimed at ending further institutionalization of children with mental disabilities in residential establishments and at developing new models of community-based services which would replace in the future the need for the services provided by residential institutions. The project provides for the implementation of pilot activities aimed at transferring the residents of the Home for Children with mental disabilities from Orhei to family-type arrangements inside a community. At the same time, it will be developed a comprehensive package of community-based services, mechanisms for ensuring the monitoring of the operational and financial frameworks for supporting the reform in the long run.
The Open Society Mental Health Initiative (MHI) aims to ensure that people with mental disabilities are able to live as equal citizens in the community and to participate in society with full respect for their human rights. MHI works in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The Soros Foundation - Moldova is a non-governmental, non-for-profit and non-political organization which was established in 1992 to promote the development of an open society in Moldova by developing and implementing a range of programs and activities that address specific areas of needs, including public health. Hope and Homes for Children is an UK-based charity working in Central and Eastern Europe and Africa to give hope to the poorest children in the world - those who are orphaned, abandoned or vulnerable - by enabling them to grow up within the love of a family and the security of a home, so that they can fulfill their potential. Keystone Human Services International is a family of nonprofit organizations working together to serve the community. Keystone is committed to creating an environment where all people can grow, make choices, and be valued and contributing members of society.