Social laundry services to be developed in at least 15 settlements

Social laundry, personal hygiene and socialization services will be developed in at least 15 localities of Moldova. The services will be organized by 16 civil society organizations that won grants within a project funded by the European Union, in partnership with the local public authorities, IPN reports.

The grant certificates were handed over to the winners at an event that was attended by state secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Vasile Cușca. The official said that thanks to this project, progress in developing social services will be made at country level. “We will focus on uniform and equitable access to services throughout Moldova for all vulnerable categories of population, while his project represents an additional contribution to what we, the central public authorities, have done,” stated Vasile Cușca.

The project “Promoting CSOs as partners in the development of resilient social services” is co-financed and implemented by IP Keystone Moldova, Moldova Branch of “Stichting Dorcas Aid International” Foundation, AO Association for Education “Neoumanist”.

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