Size of state social insurance contribution remains unchanged

The size of the state social insurance contributions for 2011 will be 27% as last year – 23% paid by the employer and 6% paid by the employee. The state social insurance budget law passed by Parliament in first reading provides for revenues of 9.16 billion lei, up 8.9% compared with 2009, and for an expenditure of 9.34 billion lei, up 9%, Info-Prim Neo reports. The persons who carry out activities on their own, like the founders of private companies or the private lawyers, will pay 4,368 lei in social insurance contributions, as against 4,044 lei last year. The allowance paid at the birth of the first child will be increased by 300 lei to 2,000 lei, while pensions will be raised by 7.8%. The minimum old-age pension in agriculture will be 570 lei, while in other sectors - 641 lei. The minimum disability pension will be 456 lei, 440 lei and 310 lei for the first, second and third disability degree respectively. The law was adopted by the government coalition by a unanimous vote. The Opposition did not support the bill. According to the Communist lawmakers, the state social insurance budget law is antisocial and satisfies only the interests of the ruling alliance.

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