Six Chisinau councilors to decide what post to hold

Six members of the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) will have to decide between the position they hold at present and the seat of municipal councilor. Under the legislation, the persons who occupy posts that are incompatible with that of councilor must choose one of them within 30 days, Info-Prim Neo reports. CMC secretary Valeriu Didencu, in the July 18 inaugural meeting of the Council, said those who must take a decision as to what post to hold include Mayor General of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca, who is also a councilor on behalf of the Liberal Party, Liberal councilors Mihail Carlig and Veronica Herta, who serve as head of Rascani district and, respectively, head of the General Finance Division, and deputy mayor Mihai Furtuna, who was elected councilor on the Liberal-Democratic ticket. Among the representatives of the Communist Party, positions incompatible with that of councilor are held by lawmakers Igor Dodon and Zinaida Greceanyi. The post of State Chancellery head is compatible with the post of councilor so that Liberal Democrat Victor Bodiu can occupy both of them simultaneously, said Valeriu Didencu. Dorin Chirtoaca told the press that will certainly remain in the post of mayor. The other five councilors will announce their decisions later. The seats of councilor were validated by the Centru district court on July 11.

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