Six associations of veterans address open letter to Premier Filip

Six associations of veterans of the war for the independence of the Republic of Moldova transmitted an open letter to Prime Minister Pavel Filip by which they request the Government to continue with firmness the activities aimed at eternalizing the memory of the Independence Heroes by monuments, literature and arts and, first and foremost, through the patriotic education of the young generation.

In a press briefing at IPN, Victor Sprincean, who spoke in the name of the veterans of the six organizations, said they welcome the Government’s readiness to solve social protection problems and the actions to restore the veterans’ confidence in state institutions. He noted the appointment of a number of councilors on veteran problems at some of the ministries and the establishment of platforms for the veterans to interact with governmental agencies.

“The sincere communication and the openness expressed by the Government enabled to identify the most pressing problems and to find the necessary solutions,” reads the letter. The veterans appreciate the ensuring of the right to free privatization of dwellings, setting of the nominal monthly allowance of 500 lei, raising of the war invalids’ pension, restoration of the right  of all war veterans to receive tickets to sanatoriums as of August 2, 2017 etc.

Victor Sprincean said the veterans received and will receive assistance also through related concessions intended for all the country’s citizens, such as the reduction in the prices of medicines, natural gas and power tariffs, the pension system reform and recalculation of pensions in favor of the citizens, implementation of the Good Roads for Moldova project, the First House program and the fiscal reform that enables families to earn larger incomes, etc.

“We will remain a constructive part of society and will support the Government in its efforts to consolidate the state and civic peace and to defend the national values,” said the veterans. They are convinced that the Government’s work program that is based on the Moldova – EU Association Agreement will further lead Moldova to development, modernization and decent living standards for war veterans.

The letter was signed by: the Veterans Union “Sfântul Gheorghe” (“Saint George”), the Federation of Veterans and Reservists of the Police Force, the Association “Credință Patriei” (“Faith to the Motherland”),, the Public Association “Union of Afghanistan War Veterans”, the Public Association “National Union of Veterans of the War for the Independence of the Republic of Moldova” and the Movement of Transnistrian Refugees.

  • victor sprinceana despre scrisoarea catre pavel filip.mp3
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