Situation as regards non-transmitted diseases worse than projected

The preliminary results of a study made to assess the risk factors of non-transmitted chronic diseases (STEPS) reveal a higher than expected number of such diseases among the grownups. Contacted by IPN, representative of the World Health Organization in Moldova Jarno Habicht said the risks of non-transmitted chronic diseases increases with the aging, with women older than 50 being the most affected.

The results of the study will be presented in May. The first results show immediate intervention is needed to improve the situation. Jarno Habicht said the factors that lead to the appearance of chronic non-communicable diseases are related to such elementary things as incorrect eating, insufficient physical effort and even consumption of salt.

The study revealed that most of the people in Moldova eat about 12 grams of salt a day at a time when the norm in the European countries is only 2 grams.

The study was carried out in October – November. About 6,000 households selected at random were visited by doctors. The STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS)  is a global initiative of the World Health Organization, implemented in Moldova by the National Public Health Center with the technical support of the WHO and the financial support of the EU.

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