Simple motion against Ministry of Health’s policies

The MPs of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BCS) proposed a simple motion against the policies pursued by the Ministry of Health, IPN reports.

According to the Communists and Socialists, the situation in the health sector went out of control. The prices of drugs rose. There is not enough medical equipment. The number of daily cases of COVID-19 is of about 1,500, while of deaths rose to 60.

BCS MP Vladimir Odnostalco said in Parliament that the COVID-19 vaccination rate stands at only 27%.  The COVID-19 hospitals and wards are packed and hundreds of persons confirmed with the infection are receiving treatment at home.

“The medical personnel that have been involved in the treatment of patients with the novel coronavirus for almost two years are overtired and demoralized. They were stripped of bonuses to salaries, while the payment of the lump sum of 16,000 lei in case of infection and of 100,000 lei in case of death following infection was made conditional upon vaccination. The health facilities are short of medical equipment for staff and of medicines for treating COVID-19,” stated Vladimir Odnostalco.

He noted the situation in the public health sector has been managed defectively and this fact should be ascertained. They should also acknowledge that the current minister of health is not suitable for the held post and should be given a vote of no confidence.

Under the Parliament’s Regulations, the debates on the simple motion are held when the Standing Bureau decides, but this should happen within 14 workdays of the submission.

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