Silvia Radu: Independent candidates are discriminated

The independent candidates, unlike the candidates fielded by political parties, represent the interests of the whole society, aspirant for the office of President of Moldova Silvia Radu stated in the program “Pahomii” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

“The independent candidates are discriminated in relation to those of political parties, but this makes them stronger. The voters should understand that an independent President will represent the interests of the whole society,” said Silviai Radu.

According to her, the candidates fielded by parties represent the interests of a segment of the population. “We need a President of all the people. If it won’t be so and a candidate who depends on the party that he/she represents wins, all these conflicts that mark our society will continue,” she explained.

Silvia Radu said she decided to run in the presidential elections because she considers that things in the country must be changed. “We experience such a profound crisis that we can no longer wait,” she stated.

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