Shopping MallDova whets appetite for school

The shopping center MallDova intends to help children of all ages hone an appetite for school by launching the fair themed “AuGust de Scoala”, a pun on “appetite for school”, Info-Prim Neo learned from the mall's PR officer Irina Ghelbur. The fair will start on Saturday, at 10:00, and will feature school supplies, stationery, maps, school books, bags, interactive games and school clothes offered to visitors by brands famous for their quality: Diverta, Debenhams, Sisley, Benetton, New Kind, Unique Kids, Mama Panda and the supermarket Fourchette. The Fair will run for 10 days, giving parents the opportunity to purchase the entire set of supplies a student needs, as well as bags, textbooks, dictionaries and new collection clothes from shops participating in the Fair. The “Appetite for School” fair will remain open until August 31.

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