Several military training centers will be closed
A number of military training centers that don't meet key requirements will be closed down starting Sept. 15 in a move to modernize the military system, Defense Minister Vitalie Vrabie told reporters.
The minister also announced that starting in Jan. 2009 a new electronic system will be launched to keep record of the recruits.
“Once the system launched, we hope to reach high standards in keeping record of recruits and military reserves. We also hope to discourage corruption practices that still exist in military centers”, said the minister.
According to Vrabie, the military centers and departments working within universities will undergo an extensive review, and those which lack the means and capacity to offer high-standard military education will be closed.
“The closing will not be done to the detriment of students. They will still have the possibility to apply for the military centers at other educational institutions”, said Vitalie Vrabie.
According to the minister, the military training centers at the universities in Balti, Cahul and Comrat are the most likely to be closed down.