The customs posts Soroca – Tsekinovka and Cosauti – Iampoli that are located on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border stopped work following the formation of ice bridges on the Nistru River, IPN has learned from the Customs Service.
According to the Service, the following border crossing points located on the border with Ukraine are not working temporarily because the roads on the Ukrainian side became impassable following the unfavorable weather conditions of the last few days: Ceadir-Lunga – Novie Traiani; Vulcanesti – Vinogradovka; Saiti – Lesnoe; Cairaclia – Zaliznicinoe. Only large trucks and land rovers can cross the border through the Tudora – Starokazacie crossing point.
The border crossing points were closed on a temporary basis with the consent of the cooperation bodies of Ukraine. The border authorities warn all the participants in the border traffic that planned to cross the border through the mentioned points to use the services of other points situated in the vicinity, including of the customs post Otaci – Moghiliov – Podolsk.