Seven Liberal-Democratic MPs: We are convinced that Moldova must have a Government formed

“We are convinced that the Republic of Moldova must have a Government formed,” MPs of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Hotineanu, Ion Balan, Stefan Creanga, Nae-Simion Plesca, Gheorghe Mocanu, Mihaela Spatari, and Aliona Gota say in a statement, quoted by IPN.

They note that only by taking part in the formation of a parliamentary alliance can they influence the decisions about the country’s development direction. “Beyond the political interests, image games and political positions, the previous attempts to form a Government that were doomed to failure, the citizens of Moldova need stability, safety and hope for a real change for the better,” reads the statement.

According to the lawmakers, the Republic of Moldova is in an unprecedented crisis. The financial-banking crisis turned into a political and social one and risks having disastrous effects on the country in the immediate future. Taking into account the geopolitical battles in the region, the continuation of the political crisis could stop the European integration course forever or at least for an indefinite period of time.

“The political parties that oppose the European course and plead for taking rapid steps towards the East, for Moldova’s integration into a discredited Customs Union and for the country’s federalization want Moldova to be immediately pushed towards early elections so that a new anti-European majority is formed afterward. The country’s federalization and the whole scenario that some want to put into practice would be catastrophic for the people,” says the statement.

The signatory MPs consider that “in this crucial moment Moldova needs stability more than ever. The stability will allow implementing the Agenda of Association with the EU, freezing the relations with the foreign partners, unblocking the external financing that is so necessary for overcoming the economic crisis and, most important, for delivering the promises made to the Moldovan people. The opinions inside the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova divided regretfully into two: a part supports the scenario of opposition and possible early elections, while another part considers that the Lib-Dems should take part in the formation of a parliamentary majority.”

Given the commitments made during the previous election campaigns, including that of 2014, the countless political crisis of the last six years and the recommendations made by the foreign partners, the seven decided to support the formation of a parliamentary majority so as to implement the Association Agreement and to continue the European integration course of Moldova. The seven consider the current political situation should determine the politicians to really place the people’s interests and welfare above the political and party interests.

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