Senior officials express condolences to family of Anatol Dumitras

Senior government officials offer their condolences to the family of singer Anatol Dumitras. The obituary is signed by President Nicolae Timofti, Prime Minister Pavel Filip, Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu and Minister of Culture Monica Babuc, IPN reports.

“We found out with deep sadness about the death of one of the most loved singers, composers and lyricists, Anatol Dumitras, to whom we owe out recognition for his whole work. He offered emotions and joy to the public and conquered us by his charm and talent and by his modest and skillful performance,” says the obituary.

“Anatol Dumitras is for us and will remain a symbol, one of the creators of the heritage of the national pop music. His songs will resonate in the memory of the public for a long period of time. We deeply regret this loss and express our condolences to the grieving family, friends and admirers of singer Anatol Dumitras.”

Anatol Dumitras died from an incurable disease on June 14. The people can say goodbye to the artist starting with the evening of June 15, when the singer’s body will be laid at the Monastery “Saint Great Martyr Teodor Tiron – Ciuflea” in Chisinau. The artist will be buried at the Central Cemetery on Armeneasca St in Chisinau on June 16.

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