Seminar on cultural policies and practices
Representatives of the civil society and government functionaries dealing with cultural issues will participate during June 26-29 in a seminar themed “The System of Cultural Policies and Procedures”, to take place in Ivancea, Orhei district, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to Victoria Miron, director of the cultural Policy Program of the Soros Foundation Moldova, the seminar brings together representatives of arts and culture NGOs, representatives of public institutions responsible for cultural issues, including from culture houses, representatives from the 32 district culture departments and from municipal culture sections, and representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Youth.
The seminar will center on subjects related to the formulation of cultural policies such as: cultural development/organizational development (for the group composed on representatives of culture institutions and NGOs), and cultural systems and procedures/strategic planning (for the group composed of representatives of public administration institutions).
The seminar is part of the series of activities which the Soros Foundation Moldova and the Amsterdam-based European Cultural Foundation is holding in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Youth, with the financial support of the Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry's MATRA Program, meant to strengthen the cultural sector in Moldova. The project covers a time frame from 1 October 2007 – 30 September 2010.