Scorpions will not make trips through Chisinau

The Scorpions concert starts at 20.00 and will last for two hours. The organizers of the event did not specify when the five members of the band will arrive in Christian, but said they will not make trips through the city, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on Tuesday, the concert's producer general Vlad Costandoi said it was not easy to organize the event as not much is known about Moldova. Scorpions accepted to come to Chisinau after they canceled the concert set to take place in Romania. “Moldova was lucky to be included in this last tour of the band,” he said. Vlad Costandoi also said the party has a wide rider, but did not give details. The Scorpions will be accompanied by five personal bodyguards. The security of the event will be ensured by 800 police officers. The spectators will be allowed to enter Zimbru Stadium staring at 17.00.

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