SCM rejects Socialists’ bill on languages

The Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) disapproved of the bill on the functioning of languages spoken on Moldova’s territory that was drafted by the Socialist MPs, IPN reports.

Rapporteur Ion Crețu, SCM member, said that the functioning of the languages of communication in judicial procedures is stipulated in the existing legislation. The proposed bill does not envision derogations from the current regulations.

Rapporteur Carolina Ciugureanu-Mihailuță, SCM member, noted that the given bill dates from December 1, 2020. On December 3, the bill was put to the vote in the first reading, in the absence of public consultations and of appraisals from the responsible authorities. Namely on December 3, the State Chancellery remitted this bill to the SCM for appraisal, contrary to the procedures. “I consider such a bill cannot be initiated and adopted without broad public debates and the necessary opinions,” she stated.

“I’m categorically against this bill proposed by MPs Bogdan Țîrdea, Adrian Lebedinschi and Vasile Bolea,” stated SCM member Dorel Mustață. According to him, the annexes stipulate the institutions to which the bill will be submitted for appraisal, but the Superior Council of Magistracy is not among them. 

Member Elena Belei said that serious violations were admitted in the lawmaking process in the case of this bill and there is a sufficient legal framework concerning the use of the Russian and Romanian languages in all the spheres. Therefore, she will not support this bill.

The bill was rejected by the SCM by a unanimous vote.


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