SCM member risks losing seat

The National Integrity Authority issued a document ascertaining that Dorel Musteață, the member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), violated the legal regime of incompatibilities. According to the Authority, since February 2019 until July 2020, while serving on the SCM, he allowed a state of incompatibility as he simultaneously sat on the Board of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), IPN reports.

“Being asked to state his viewpoint, the SCM member said he held the second post on the Board of the NIJ as a judge, not as a member of the SCM. However, the integrity inspector noted that in accordance with the legislation on the Superior Council of Magistracy, the institution designates judges on the Board of the NIJ, who exercise their duties, while those who are detached from the post of SCM judge cannot serve on the Board,” the National Integrity Authority said in a press release.

Dorel Musteață had a legal term of 30 days for leaving one of the two posts, but he did this only in July 2020, when, at his request, a decision on his resignation from the Board of the NIJ was issued. The legal time limit was thus not respected.

If the ascertaining document remains final, the National Integrity Authority will request the responsible institution to dismiss Dorel Musteață from the post of SCM member. He also risks being banned from holding public posts, except for electoral posts, for a three-year period, and will be put on the Authority’s Register of Bans.

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