Schools in Gagauzia allegedly required to attend public event. Ministry’s reaction

The Ministry of Education and Research devoted attention to the public reports about an order by which the General Education Division of Gagauzia obliges the schools in the region to participate in a public event planned to be staged in connection with the 2014 referendum on February 2. The Ministry noted that the law enforcement agencies will be notified on this case, IPN reports.

The institution requested the General Education Division of Gagauzia, directors of public education institutions and teachers not to allow the educational process to be disrupted on February 2.  According to the Education Code of the Republic of Moldova, the teaching, scientific-teaching, scientific and management personnel are obliged not to resort to and not to allow chauvinistic, nationalist, political, religious, militaristic propaganda in the educational process. They are also obliged not to involve schoolchildren and students in such political events as rallies, demonstrations, picketing, etc.

In a referendum held in Gagauzia on February 2, 2014, 98.9% of the voters said that they support the independence of the region in case Moldova loses its sovereignty and 98.47% of them want the Republic of Moldova to join the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union. A tiny percentage was for joining the EU.

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