About 50 students who took part in a number of contests and scholarship programs of the Embassy of Germany in Chisinau were awarded at the Summer Holiday of the German Language on May 25. There were also provided three scholarships that will enable high school graduates to study for a bachelor’s degree in Germany, IPN reports.
Two winners of the essay contest won a one-month trip in Germany. The participants in the contest wrote essays on one of the two proposed themes: “Most valuable thing I learned at school” and “My contribution for the future”. There were offered 20 scholarships of the German Academic Exchange Service, German language diplomas and awards for the best three teachers of German.
Germany’s Ambassador in Chisinau Julia Monar said the interest in the scholarships provided by the Embassy of Germany this year increased significantly. The essay contest alone involved by 80 students more than last year. This year, the existing network of PASCH schools (schools with a special status that benefit from teaching aids, training courses and scholarships for students and teachers) will be extended by accepting a new education institution where German is taught at a very high level.
The representative of the German Academic Exchange Service in Moldova Josef Sallanz said the German language is increasingly popular in Moldova, but the number of teachers of German here is insufficient. The State Teacher Training University “Ion Creanga” has German language teacher graduates each year, but most of these do not go to work in schools given the low salaries there. They go to work for German enterprises based in Moldova or go to Germany to study further.
Angela Osipov, teacher of the Theoretical Lyceum “Mihail Kogalniceanu”, was named the best teacher of German in Moldova. She said this award is a great joy, but also a big responsibility as this makes her show a good performance further. To be a good teacher of German, one should love the language and the teaching process as the students feel this intuitively.
Gabriela Matei obtained a scholarship to study for a master’s degree in Germany during two years. As she studied finances and banks at the Academy of Economic Studies until now, she decided to continue her studies in audit. She will go to Germany to gain experience and will then return home to put this into practice.
Oteea Canaly, fifth grader at the Theoretical Lyceum “Mihail Kogalniceanu”, was awarded for her essay on the theme “Most valuable thing I learned at school”. In her essay, she wrote she learned to be patient, to work in a group, to communicate with different types of persons and that one should work hard to get something. She said she studies a lot to have good results, including during her leisure time.
Maxim Pijevschi got a scholarship to study in Germany in 2009. He studied for a master’s degree in international relations and now works in Moldova. He recommended the students to study in Germany mainly in such areas as history, political sciences and international relations as these areas will help them get an absolutely different perspective and perception of studies.
In Moldova, over 1,700 students of 130 schools and more than 900 students of seven universities study German.