Save the date: Moldova - Romania: Capital Bridges forum in Bucharest

Save the date: Moldova - Romania: Capital Bridges forum in Bucharest

 in association with Bursa de Valori Bucuresti in partnership with WOOD & Co. and supported by the Government of The Republic of Moldova is pleased to invite you to Moldova - Romania Capital Bridges 2022 forum on Tuesday 13 September 2022 at JW Marriott Hotel Bucharest.

Format: Hybrid In-Person/Virtual

Date: Tuesday 13 September 2022

Time: 14.00 - 19.00

Venue: JW Marriott Hotel Bucharest

Preliminary agenda

14.00 – 15.00 Opening remarks

  • Nicolae Ciuca, Prime Minister of Romania
  • Natalia Gavrilita, Prime Minister of Moldova
  • Radu Hanga, Chairman Bursa de Valori Bucuresti
  • other speakers to be confirmed

15.15 - 16.00 Panel 1: Moldova – Newest EU Candidate Country: Accession Roadmap and Experience of Romania

  • speakers to include political dignitaries from Romania, Moldova and European Union

16.15 - 17.00 Panel 2: Economic Challenges of Today: Uncertainty and Opportunities for Moldovan Economy

  • speakers to include representatives of international financial institutions based in Moldova and Romania

17.15 – 18.00 Panel 3: Doing Business in Moldova: Participants’ View

  • Giorgi Shagidze CEO maib
  • Bogdan Plesuvescu, CEO Victoriabank Group Banca Transilvania
  • Vasile Tofan, Chairman of Purcari
  • other speakers to be confirmed

Closing with Moldovan wine tasting organized by Purcari.

To express your interest in participating please follow 
this link. For any questions about the event, please contact maib Investor Relations. We look forward to seeing you at Moldova - Romania: Capital Bridges 2022!

DISCLAIMER: Issuers of press releases – not the news agency IPN – are fully responsible for the accuracy and essence of the content submitted for publication and/or distribution.


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