Sales of pay TV services decline

The sales of pay TV services in the first quarter of 2015 decreased compared with the corresponding period last year following the decline in the number of subscribers to these services, IPN reports.

According to the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology, the sales of such services in the first three months of this year fell by 2.4 million lei (5.9%) to about 38.4 million, while the number of subscribers to pay TV decreased by 6,400 (2.4%)  to 267,600.

The reduction in the revenues from the sale of pay TV services was due to lower sales of providers of cable networks and MMDS (Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System) networks. At the same time, providers’ revenues from the sale of pay TV services based on IPTV rose.

The pay TV service providers’ monthly average revenue per user was 47.4 lei.

On April 1, 75.4% of the 267,600 subscribers to pay TV were connected to cable networks, 24.4% – to IP TV networks, while 0.2% –to MMDS networks.

At the end of the first quarter of 2015, there were 83 providers of pay TV services in Moldova. The largest of these were: SRL Sun Communications (market share of 28.9%), SA Moldtelecom (28.3%), and SRL AMT (3.9%).

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