Salary bonus of 50% for kindergarten cooks and educator assistants

The cooks, cook assistants and educator assistants of the kindergartens of Chisinau will get a 50% bonus to the salary. Such a decision was taken by the Chisinau Municipal Council in its September 12 meeting, IPN reports.

Under the relevant decision drafted by the Socialist councilors, a sum of 3.9 million lei is needed to provide the salary bonuses. The money will be allocated from the municipal reserve fund that consists of savings.

The Liberal councilors expressed their skepticism about the possibility of solving the crisis in kindergartens given that a part of the cooks found better paid jobs and a salary bonus of 500 lei will not make them give up salaries of over 4,000 lei for pays of 1,650 lei.

According to the local councilors, seven kindergartens in Chisinau do not have cooks.

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