Saint Nicholas will bring gifts tonight

Tomorrow, Orthodox Christians who observe the Old Calendar celebrate Saint Nicholas and children will prepare their stockings. In the morning, those who have behaved will find in them gifts, while those who have been naughty will find only rods.

Archpriest Petru Storoja, parson of the Saint Nicholas Church in Chisinau, told IPN that St. Nicholas was renowned for this faith and kindness. He is considered a symbol of charity, generosity and good deeds. After his parents died, he gave his wealth to the poor. In order to save three girls from prostitution, he threw three pouches of gold in their yard and saved the poverty-stricken family from sin.

St. Nicholas became archbishop of Myra in Lycia (modern day Turkey), where he was later buried. Afterwards, his remains were moved to Bari, Italy. He is consider the protector of travelers, unmarried or widowed women, children, poor and needy people.

The saint is celebrated twice every year: in winter, on December 6 for those who observe the New Calendar or December 19 according to the Old Calendar, marking his passing away, and in summer, on May 9 or May 22, when his remains were moved from Myra to Bari.

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