Ruling alliance still can find a solution to presidential crisis, survey

The Alliance for European Integration (AEI) will serve its four-year mandate till the end, consider 39% of the over 1,500 respondents of a survey carried out by the Marketing and Polling Institute IMAS, Info-Prim Neo reports. 19% of those questioned believe that the ruling alliance will govern for less than a year, while 17% - between two and three years. Asked if the AEI can still find a solution to the presidential crisis, 54% of those polled said it can, while 26% doubted it. Asked how the President of Moldova should be voted in, 63% of the respondents said the head of state must be elected by direct vote, while 18% consider the President must be elected by the vote of at least 51 MPs. The survey was commissioned by the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”. It covered a sample of 1,507 persons older than 18 from 112 settlements of Moldova, except the Transnistrian region. It was conducted during March 6-27 and has a margin of sampling error of ± 2.5%.

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