"Rostul Postului" Campaign, dedicated edition for children from vulnerable families

The Child, Community, Family Moldova organization has launched the ninth edition of the "Rostul Postului" campaign, a project aimed at helping children from families facing extreme poverty. The purpose of the campaign is to mobilize resources for the little ones, especially during Lent, providing not only food and essential items but also opportunities to overcome poverty, IPN reports.

The campaign launch in Chisinau was attended by representatives of the CCF Moldova association, event supporters, and public figures. "The 'Rostul Postului' campaign remains essential, considering that nearly 44% of children in rural areas live in absolute poverty," stated Liliana Rotaru, president of CCF Moldova.

An emotional moment of the event was the symbolization of extreme poverty through an empty plate, representing the meager meals of many children in the country.

The campaign organizers presented the case of a three-year-old girl, found by a social worker eating an unpeeled onion, illustrating the tragic reality faced by many children growing up in poor conditions.

According to the organizers, "Rostul Postului" is not just a material aid campaign but also an opportunity to offer real and sustainable support through education and development. The donations collected will be used to provide food, hygiene products, clothing, and resources to help develop vulnerable families. The ultimate goal is to prevent the separation of children from their families and offer them a better future.

The campaign will run until April 19, and it can be supported through the online platform https://www.rostulpostului.md/, where anyone can donate the value of meals they would have consumed during the fasting period.

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