Roofs of six in ten Chisinau schools in need of repair

The roofs of about 60% of the schools in Chisinau have been damaged by the recent heavy rain and must be repaired at an estimated cost of 2 million lei, the head of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb said at Tuesday's meeting of the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), Info-Prim Neo reports. Most of the schools whose roofs are in need of repair are located in Rascani, Centru and Buiucani districts, including the high schools “Natalia Dadiani”, “Alexandru Pushkin” and “M.Kotiubinski”. “The roofs are leaking. 2 million lei will be enough to repair the roofs partially. More money will be needed to fully repair them,” Tatiana Nagnibeda-Tverdohleb said. The leader of the Communist faction in the CMC Valery Pavlov said a draft decision is needed to provide this money. The commissions for finances and education will convene to agree a plan with concrete figures and dates. Next week, the CMC will take a final decision.

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