Romanian-language schools remain the target of Tiraspol’s illegal actions

Romanian-language educational institutions in the Transnistrian region have continued to be the target of illegal actions by Transnistrian structures over the past year. The Promo-LEX association, which has monitored the situation of the eight schools, cites among the problems the considerable increase in utility tariffs compared to those applied to schools subordinated to Tiraspol, IPN reports.

The experts warn that the abusive actions include smear campaigns in the Tiraspol-controlled media, which portray Romanian-language schools as a potential threat. Teachers in these schools are threatened at illegal checkpoints and parents are intimidated in order to force them to transfer their children to Tiraspol-controlled schools.

At the same time, the authorities on the left bank of the Dniester are demanding lists of pupils in order to put them on the military register of paramilitary structures. Other abuses include refusing to issue operating permits and quantitative restrictions on the transportation of goods.

At the same time, according to Promo-LEX, structural problems related to educational infrastructure have remained largely unresolved. The lack of modern and spacious means of transportation, unsuitable conditions for the educational process and the lack of financial resources for the reconfiguration and expansion of premises are increasingly acute difficulties in the context of the constant increase in the number of pupils.

Over the last four years, there has been a trend of a slight increase in the number of pupils in the eight Romanian language schools. There has also been a diversification in the places where pupils come from. According to Promo-LEX, compared to the 2023-2024 school year, the number of pupils has increased by 123 this year. At Roghi Gymnasium alone, the number of children increased by 20%. If in the school year 2022-2023 the gymnasium had pupils only from the locality, now children from the villages of Tabuleuca, Corjova, as well as from the city of Dubasari are also enrolled.

While the number of pupils in the eight Romanian-language schools is growing by an average of 5% a year, half of the 158 schools under the control of Transnistrian structures are experiencing an acute shortage of pupils.

The association's experts explain the increase in the number of pupils in schools under the Ministry of Education and Research by the growing interest of Russian-speaking families in studying in Romanian. One reason is also to obtain a recognized diploma, which then gives students easier access to university studies on the right bank of the Dniester or in EU member states.

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