Romania to rehabilitates bridges over the Prut, to build new bridge in Ungheni

The National Company for the Administration of Road Infrastructure of Romania is implementing five projects to rehabilitate the bridges over the Prut and to build a new bridge in Ungheni that are financed with European grant funding. The announcement was posted by the Minister of Transport of Romania Cătălin Drulă on Facebook, IPN reports.

Among the bridges that will be repaired are the Galați – Giurgiulești bridge on the DN 2B highway that was built in 1949 and is 125 meters long, the Albița – Leușeni bridge on the DN 24B highway, the bride in Sculeni on the DN 24 highway and the Oancea – Cahul budge on the DN 26A highway.

“The access to the Prut River will this way become easier and safer through all these points, for the benefit of the citizens of Romania and the Republic of Moldova,” stated Cătălin Drulă.

A new bridge will be built in Ungheni, from the Union A8 Tg. Mureș-Iași-Ungheni highway. According to Minister Cătălin Drulă, the feasibility study for the bridge was completed and the projection and execution tender contest will be launched when the environmental consent is obtained.

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