Romania ready to continue to support veterinary services of Moldova

The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority of Romania confirmed its readiness to continue the series of activities in support of the veterinary services of Moldova. In a meeting with Minister of Agriculture Eduard Grama, the Authority’s head Radu Roatis Chetan said the support will be in the spirit of the EU’s food safety policy defined in the strategy by which Romania assists Moldova on its path of European integration, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry says the sides discussed the project to create a lab for determining pesticide residues in plants, soil and products of non-animal origin. The Ministry asked for the support of the Government of Romania in setting up this lab.

At the first stage of the bilateral project, the lab was outfitted with high-performance equipment and benefitted from the technical expertise of the Romanian Authority’s specialists. This enabled to accredit the lab for determining pesticide residues in accordance with the international standard ISO 17025 in a record period of time.

At the second stage of the project, the equipment was purchased, the works to prepare the lab for RENAR (Romanian Accreditation Association) accreditation were completed and the lab’s specialists are being trained.

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