Romania elections | Adrian Dupu: As a senator, I will continue to support projects to strengthen special relationship between Romania and Moldova

Adrian Dupu says that, as a senator, a position for which he is running in Romania on behalf of the National Liberal Party (PNL) for the diaspora, he will continue to support the projects designed to strengthen the special relationship between Romania and the Republic of Moldova,  IPN reports.

The candidate participated in Cimișlia, together with Anatolie Dimitriu, in a meeting with PNL members, sympathizers and supporters from the south of the Republic of Moldova to present the party’s commitments to them.

"Nicolae Ionel Ciucă and the National Liberal Party are the guarantee that the Republic of Moldova will continue to have both in Bucharest and in Europe a partner and a defender of its interests. As secretary of state for the relationship with the Republic of Moldova, I put my skills and experience into promoting and supporting the fellowship between the two countries and I showed through my work that I deserve to represent the citizens from the left bank of the Prut in the Parliament of Romania," said Adrian Dupu.

The parliamentary elections in Romania will take place between November 30 and December 1. As many as 59 polling stations will be opened for them in the Republic of Moldova.

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