The Revival Political Party set an antigovernment protest for February 1 and called on other parties to join in. The call is addressed to parties that consider that “the anarchy witnessed the past three years can no longer be tolerated”, IPN reports.
According to Natalia Parasca, acting chairwoman of the Revival Party, the union between parties is the only chance “to stop this chaos”. The Revival Party aims to start a dialogue to unite the opposition forces under the slogan “Moldova without Sandu, Moldova without PAS”.
“We see how Maia Sandu and PAS have led the country to an economic disaster and social shock. We understand that Maia Sandu and PAS systematically destroy the opposition, limit our freedom of expression and deprive us of our civil rights,” stated Natalia Pasca.
Yuri Vitnyansky, a member of the political bureau of the Revival Party, said the government is doing everything to get a new mandate, using also the state institutions to oppress the opposition parties.
Vasile Bolea, a member of the party’s political bureau, noted that lawlessness in the current administration has expanded. The inefficient management of economic problems in the country is one of the main reasons why PAS should leave. It also goes to the attitude towards social issues and the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes.
The protest will be mounted on February 1, starting at 10 a.m., in front of the Parliament Building.