RETROSPECT OF THE WEEK, June 5-11. Most important IPN „ Economy & Business” news

[*Monday, June 5] [Capital’s budget accumulations got over planned level by 4%] The local coffers of Chisinau municipality accumulated in the first 5 months of 2006, by 21, 4 million lei more than planned, or by 4.64%. To the state budget were accumulated with 56.4 million lei more than planned, or by 4.2% more. [CNVM-32 stock exchange index increased by 6.49 points after 5 weeks of stagnation] On June 2, 2006, the value of CNVM-32 stock exchange index increased by 6.49 points (+2.27%), amounting to 292.15 points. Its value remained unchanged for 5 weeks. [Moldovan experts left for Moscow to re-certificate Moldovan wines on Russia’s territory] A group of experts of Moldova left on Monday, 5 June, for Moscow in order to start jointly with „Rosspotrebnadzor” Service the re-certification procedure of Moldovan wines on Russia’s territory. The head of the Analysis and Promotion Department within Agro—Industrial Company „Moldova-Vin”, Iurie Mudrea, announced about this. [Only EU and USA could make Russia maintain current natural gas price for Moldova. IPN interview with economist Viorel Chivriga] [- In your opinion, what will be the new price for Russian natural gas for Moldova, taking into consideration the fact that Moldovan authorities already recognized that negotiations are carried out difficultly? Is there any chance to keep the present price?] Probably the price for gas will be the one proposed by the Russian side, in other words of 160 USD per one thousand cube meters. Regretfully, Moldovan authorities have little possibilities to maintain the present price of 110 USD, in force till June 1. At the present stage, only the European Union and USA can influence Russia to maintain this price for Moldova. Giving up to some proprieties, as well as to several actions to settle the Transnistrian conflict, might also contribute to keeping the price, still at a smaller extent. [Devolution in Moldovan-Russian relations narrows maneuvering in negotiations on gas price – expert. IPN Analysis] The latest tendency of the Moldovan-Russian relationships significantly restricts room for maneuvers for Moldova in talks on natural gas price, says Valeriu Prohnitski, Director Executive of the Independent Analytic Centre “Expert-Grup”, interviewed by IPN. [*Tuesday, June 6] [Government expands the strengthening of agricultural plots] The strengthening of agricultural lands will be the object of a complex economic, juridical, technical, organizational and ecological measure undertaken by the Government within the Governmental program published recently in the “Official Monitor”. The Executive affirms that all the measures are directed to rational use of agricultural fields, increasing the efficiency of the agricultural area on the whole and as a result of the life level in rural communities. [Government announces as strategic priority small and medium enterprises development] The Government promises to create a fiscal environment that will ensure equal activity conditions for businessmen of small and medium business, stimulate tax payment and facilitate business initiation and development process, condition transition from small business to medium and even to the high-level one, stimulate local and direct foreign investments. These provisions are included in the Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Development Strategy 2006-2008, which was published on 2 June in „Official Monitor”. [Until 2015 walnut-trees plantations to be increased 5-fold] The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) wants to extend the areas of the walnut-trees plantations 5-fold, in order to increase the export volume of qualitative walnut kernel, extremely solicited on European markets. The minister forecasts to attain until 2015 a total area of 16 thousand hectares for this type of plantations. [Wine crisis is a result of different Moldovan and Russian affair interests. IPN interview with the independent expert Dinu Gutu] [-Do you think the reasons invoked by Russia are grounded? What is in fact hidden behind the wine embargo?] I think its all about politics and different foreign affair interests promoted by the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation. The quality of Moldovan wines can not be the cause of the embargo, although we have a lot of work at this chapter. [Number of Transnistrian businessmen registered in Chisinau increasing] Until now, 182 Transnistrian businessmen were registered at the State Registration Chamber of Moldova, compared to 168 at the beginning of May. Of them 84 businessmen have temporary registration with the identification IDNO code, and 98 have permanent registration. [Foreign investors see Moldova as „virgin” zone for investments] 24 foreign companies from 6 countries of the world participated on Tuesday, June 6, at the Forum of Investment Businesses in Chisinau, showed interested of establishing business relationships with the Republic of Moldova. The event was organized by the International Consultancy Company “Ascent Group”. [Moldovan businessmen to visit Lithuania] Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moldova (CCI) in cooperation with the Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Artisan of Lithuania and from Klaipeda organizes, within the period 18-23 July 2006, an economic mission to Lithuania, in Vilnius and Klaipeda cities. [“Ciment” SA stock registered the highest price over the past three years] JSC “Ciment” sold on Monday, June 5, 22.56% of the stock for 68 790 000 lei. This was the highest price registered for this stock over the past 3 years. [*Wednesday, June 7] [Moldova is lagging in CIS according to certain macroeconomic indicators] Moldova is on a lagging position among the member states of the CIS according to certain macroeconomic indicators calculated for the first four months of 2006, reports the CIS Statistic Committee. As regards to the industrial sector, Moldova is on the eighth spot, with its volume of industrial production reduced by 5.9% compared to the same period of 2005. Therefore, the Moldovan industrial sector is last but one position, before Kyrgyzstan, which registered a reduction of industrial production by 9.5%. [Local authorities are against passing some municipal enterprises into state property] The Chisinau local public authorities are opposing the retrocession to the state property of some municipal enterprises transferred to Chisinau’s public property in 2000. [Solid refuse of Chisinau processed through compostation ] Solid refuse from Chisinau municipality might be processed by means of compostation, supposing separation of organic refuse from the other one, which cannot be processed, and produce biogas, as result of putrefaction. The other refuse, usually, about 50%, is inhumed. [Negotiations on natural gas supplies to Moldova postponed 2 weeks] The Moldovan delegation, already for the third day on a visit to Moscow, did not manage to come to an agreement with the Russian Company „Gazprom” over the new gas supply contract. The negotiations related to this item will be resumed on June 19, according to the Russian press. [Access possibilities to EU markets to be discussed in Chisinau] The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) in collaboration with the Moldovan-German Partnership Project in the field of small business will organize on June 13, the seminar entitled „Practical ways of joining the European Union market – trade and distribution systems”. [Ministry of Industry was not informed about ceasing power exports by Russia] The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure states that it was not informed about Russia interrupting power supplies to Moldova. The declaration belongs to the Minister’s counselor, Vladimir Cravenco. The attempts of the Info-Prim reporter to find out any information from the State Enterprise “Moldelectrica” did not give any results. On the other hand, Union Fenosa Group promised to comment upon this fact in short time. [*Thursday, June 8] [The Parliament ratified two financing and loan agreements amounting to over 24 million USD] Moldova will benefit of credits and loans amounting to over 24 million USD, after the Parliament ratified on Thursday, June 8, the Financing Agreement for Development (RISP II) and the Loan Agreement FIDA III. [Microsoft Company launched on Wednesday Windows Vista Customer Preview] Microsoft Company, launched on Wednesday, Windows Vista Customer Preview Program, offering in this way the largest pre-release test version of Windows Vista until now. Launching, according to Chip was possible after several months of limited tests, Windows Vista being available for downloading to the wide public. [Businessmen of agriculture benefit from the most numerous fiscal facilities] Businessmen of agriculture have many fiscal facilities, compared to businessmen of other fields, the deputy head of the State Fiscal Inspectorate, Ion Sturzu, announced about on Thursday press conference. [Government states that the New Small Business Strategy is determined by the economy in transition, but the representatives of this field reject it. IPN economic analysis ] The specialists of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce (MEC) explain the small 3-year term, foreseen for the implementation of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Supporting Strategy 2006-2008, by the specifics of the transition economy, which does not allow drafting long-term strategies in this field. At the same time, the leaders of the representative organizations are dissatisfied with the fact that the Strategy made public few days ago does not provide further perspectives. [Electricity for Moldova to get dearer while lacking Russian supplies] Halting electric power supplies to Moldova by Russia will lead to rise in price per 1 kWh to minimum 3 cents. The chairman of the Energy Consumers Association (ACE), Nicolae Mogoreanu, shares this opinion. Previously, RM imported Russian energy with 2 cents/kWh and the Ukrainian with 2,5 cents/kWh. [Moldova’s exports decreased by 10% because of wine crisis] The volume of the external commerce of Moldova, in April, as well as in the first four months of 2006 decreased if compared to the similar period of the last year, being influenced, especially, by the wine crisis. [Two companies sanctioned by NSC] The National Securities Commission (NSC) decided, on June 8, to halt the broker activity of JSC “Fincom” on the securities market because of some disorders. In the same day the decision of blocking the personal account of the control stock-package holder JSC “Scorpioil-Cinci” in the record of the JSC “Fabrica de conserve Olanesti” stock holders until the registering the tender offer, according to the legislation in force. [Primary mortgage market at embryo stage in Moldova] The primary mortgage market of the Republic of Moldova is at an embryonic stage, even if in the last two years the field registered an impressive growth. This fact impedes the development of the secondary market, is reported in the reform Concept of the legislative framework in the mortgage area, issued by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. [Exchange transactions on June 7 – 4.6 million lei] The total amount of the transactions on the exchange market, on 7 June 2006, was of 4.6 million lei. According to the Rating and Estimation Agency „Estimator-VM”, the biggest transaction was with the shares issued by JSC "Rada" – 4.58 mil lei for 50,02% of shares. The price was 11.55 lei/share. The price of a share was 11.55 lei. This was the result of the fact that within a week these shares were transacted at the Stock Exchange at the price of 10.10 lei/share, and starting October 2003 the price did not get over 4 lei/share. [*Friday, June 9] [„Moldtelecom” signs contract with Greek company on IT purchase worth 4 million USD] The Greek Company Intracom Telecom signed a contract of 4 million USD with “Moldtelecom”, the Moldovan national operator of fixed telephony, for the implementation of its Information and Billing System. [„Apa-Canal Chisinau” organizes additional share issuance to pay external debts] SA „Apa-Canal Chisinau” organizes an additional share issuance in order to reimburse the credit debts to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), the single stakeholder of the enterprise, will subscribe to this issuance. CMC took a decision in this sense of Thursday meeting, 8 June. [Chisinau mayoralty and UNDP organize international auction for selecting designer company for City Planning] Chisinau mayoralty and UNDP organize an auction for selecting the designer company for drafting City Planning and Chisinau’s General Urban Plan (PUG), according to a press release of the mayoralty of Chisinau municipality. [Municipality selects company for building an almshouse for elderly] The municipality intends to announce after June 20 a contest to appoint the company to reconstruct an unfinished building from Ciocana district into an asylum for old people. [Most profitable stock in May was of J.S.C. FMC – Rascani] In May the stock of J.S.C. SA FMC –Rascani registered the highest profitability (+71.4%). The most affected of price decrease in this period was the shares issued by Fag society (-33.33%) and CB Banca Sociala J.S.C. (-37.5%), is presented in the ranking of shares profitableness elaborated by the Rating, Evaluation & Investment Consultancy Agency “Estimator-VM”, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. [Exchange market of Moldova is more stable compared to other European countries] Stock exchange of Moldova noted, on Thursday, June 8, a significant increase, while European financial markets of the region registered decreases. Thus, EVM Composite exchange indicator increased with 4.6 points, registering the highest level since February till now – 940.9918 points. [On 22 May - 9 June, state shares in eight enterprises about 6 million lei were sold] Within the auction at the Stock Exchange of Moldova (BVM), organized by the Privatization Agency and the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, on 22 May – 9 June, the share of 8 enterprise with public were sold, of 32 presented, about 6 million lei. [Reorganization Concept of Chisinau’s Administration is inopportune, unjustified, and inefficient. IPN Economic Analysis] The way they try to optimize the structure and the personnel chart of the Mayoralty and of the municipal services is nor opportune neither justified and efficient, declares for Info-Prim Neo the economic analyst, independent municipal Councilor, Mihai Roscovan. [*Saturday, June 10] [State budget exceeded targets by 11%] In the first months of 2006, in the state budget were accumulated a sum amounting to 3 billion 271.6 million lei of basic income, which is by 10.8% more comparing to the plan for this period. Comparing to the same period of the last year the budget increased with 484.1 lei or by 17.4% and the expenses increased by 20.4%. According to the Ministry of Finance, quoted by Info-Prim Neo, the daily average accumulations constituted 31.5 billion lei, while the value of this index constituted 27.1 million lei daily within the same period of the last year. [Chisinau to host Romanian Economy Days in late June] From June 27 to July 1, the Chisinau-based International Exhibition Center “Modexpo” will host the “Romanian Economy Days in Moldova” exhibition. The event is organized by “Romexpo” JSC. [*Sunday, June 11] [Municipal department for dwelling fund’s privatization instituted] The Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) instituted the Department for the privatization of the dwelling fund. The new body will work within the General Economic, Reforms and Patrimonial Relationships Department (ERPRD) and will take from the Privatization Agency (PA) the function of the specialized body in the privatization of the dwelling fund of Chisinau. According to the decision, the department was created in conformity with all amendments operated to the legislation, through which CMC was offered the right to privatize state’s dwelling fund within the limits of Chisinau municipality. [Chisinau to host Romanian Economy Days in late June] From June 27 to July 1, the Chisinau-based International Exhibition Center “Modexpo” will host the “Romanian Economy Days in Moldova” exhibition. The event is organized by “Romexpo” JSC.

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