RETROSPECT OF THE WEEK, June 19-24. Most important IPN „ Economy & Business” news

[*Monday, June 19] [The Government will revise the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy] The Government will revise the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (EGPRSP) Paper, by actualizing and revising some goals. About this the deputy minister of Economy and Commerce Sergiu Sainciuc declared on June 19 within the work laboratory „Synergy between EGPRSP and the Action Plan Moldova-EU”. [100 mln MDL for the renovation of roads and streets in Moldova] Local public administrative offices will receive from the Government 100 million MDL for renovation of local streets and roads. The resolution regarding the allocation of finances has been inaugurated together with its publication in the “Official Monitor”. [Moldcell signed bilateral GPRS Roaming with two operators from Slovenia and Turkey] Moldcell Company has signed contracts of bilateral GPRS Roaming with MOBITEL from Slovenia and Vodafone (Telsim) from Turkey, communicates Info-Prim Neo referring to a press communicate of the mobile telephone operator. [Netherlands to offer 2.5 million euros for investments and infrastructure] The Government of Netherlands will offer to the Republic of Moldova 2.5 million euros for budgetary support in implementing Governmental programs. [Public urban transport: from ability to draft strategies to concrete actions. IPN Economic analysis ] The assent of the Transport Development Strategy by the Municipal Council of Chisinau (CMC) constitutes the end of the first phase of the implementation of a new transport systematization in the capital, Mihai Roscovan, municipal councilor, director of Business Consulting Institute (BCI), declared for Info-Prim-Neo. At the same time, Roscovan considers that the reform’s implementation will be successful only if the municipality shows will and ability to take upon themselves responsibilities and proceed with concrete actions. The expert claims that the risks and the impediments to the implementation of the Strategy are generally caused by the limited institutional and intellectual skills of both the administrative staff and the municipal councilors. [Members of IMF’s „Dutch Club” will meet in 2007 in Moldova] The next annual meeting of the representatives of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) and World Bank’s „Dutch Club” will be held in Moldova. The decision has been announced on 18th of June by the vice prim-minister of Finances in Netherlands, Gerrit Zalm, after the meeting in Erevan, Armenia. [*Tuesday, June 20] [“Voxtel” doubles investments in Moldova and increase quality of provided services ] Including the Company Voxtel in the international companies group „Orange” will lead to doubling the investments in Moldova and providing more qualitative services, the chairman of the group „Orange”, Brigitte Bourgoin, said at the meeting with the president of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin. According to Brigitte Bourgoin, the total investments in RM will get up to 80 million dollars for the next 5 years. [Moldovans traveled more in 2006 than in 2005] The citizens of Moldova have traveled more this year than in 2005. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of RM, in the first 5 months of 2006, compared to the same period of 2005, the number of passengers traveling by air has increased by 22.3%; by 11.3% - the number of passengers traveling by train; 6.6% - the number of passengers traveling by bus and maxi-taxi. [Moldova registers essential progress in developing telecommunications and informatics market ] Moldova registers an essential progress in developing the telecommunications and informatics market, the regional representative of the International Telecommunications Union (UIT), Valeri Timofeev, reported about this. The expert participated at the three-day European seminar on the topic „Telecommunications liberalization: problems and opportunities for Eastern European states, CIS and Baltic countries”, starting its activity on Tuesday, 20 June, in Chisinau. [Future of Chisinau’s satellite-city is less certain than ever. IPN economic analysis ] The information about the construction by the Moldovan-Italian Company “Prospera-Habitat” of Chisinau’s satellite-city at a distance of 2 km from the “City Gates” and 3 km from the Chisinau International Airport is known for two years already. But several decision-making authorities, contacted by Info-Prim Neo said that “no real steps were undertaken for the implementation of this project”. Many of them solicited anonymity protection for the given information. [Romanian Economy Days in Moldova to be held at the end of this month at IEC „Moldexpo” ] Within the period June 27-July 1, at the International Exhibition Center „Moldexpo”, the Romanian Economy Days in Moldova will be organized, important event for promoting entrepreneurship between both countries. The event will gather about 40 Romanian companies presenting modern industrial and advanced technology goods, as well as of the food industry, agriculture, cosmetics industry, footwear, textiles etc. [*Wednesday, June 21] [The commissions of Chisinau Municipal Council examined public transport tariff calculation methodology ] The methodology of calculating and regulating the tariffs to services provided by the passenger transport enterprise in Chisinau municipality was submitted for examination to commissions of Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC), with the condition that at one of the next meetings to be presented a regulation on the procedure of examining and approving tariffs. [Volume of industrial production in Moldova reduced by 7% in 2006] The index of the volume of industrial goods produced by industrial enterprises of all kinds of Moldova was, in January-May, 93.1%, and in May – 88.5% compared to the same period of 2005. This year the produced goods were of 7872,52 million lei in current prices. [Profiles International is present in Moldova] The world leader in evaluation and development of personnel launched on Wednesday, June 21, its activity in the Republic of Moldova. The representatives of the most important national and multinational companies of the country, specialists in the organizational psychology and management of human resources were present at the official inauguration. [Romanian companies’ presence in Moldova is a strategic point toward other markets of the region ] The presence of the Romanian companies on the market of Moldova is seen in the Romanian business environment as a strategic point of investments toward other markets of the region, Mariana Dicianu, manager of fair and exhibition company „Romexpo” JSC. [Exhibition dedicated to Moldova and Romania inaugurated in Germany] The mayoralty of Passau town (Germany) hosts, starting June 20, 2006, and exhibition dedicated to the Republic of Moldova and Romania, the News Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) announces, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. The exhibition will last till the end of July, and is the eighth and last but one in the list of cultural events of Passau, dedicated to the Danube states. The aim of the exhibition is to familiarize the German public with the customs and culture of the Danube countries. [*Thursday, June 22] [Moldovan-Italian Economic Forum held in Chisinau] Companies and organizations of the public sector and the private one of Moldova and Italy will have the possibility to set direct business contacts within the Moldovan-Italian Economic Forum held next week in Chisinau. [„Voxtel” launched a special service] „Voxtel” customers will be able to find, from now on, detailed information about the enterprises of Moldova on their mobile phone. The mobile telephone company „Voxtel” launched, on Wednesday, a new service, allowing users to get informed on enterprises working in Moldova. [Hail and showers affected the territories unprotected by anti-hail services] Hail and rain showers of the last days affected, especially, anti-hail unprotected territories. At the same time, as well on the passive zone territories damages were registered, on the flights’ trajectory and at the border, where anti-hail stations cannot work, the minister of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI), Anatolie Gorodenco, stated. [Authorities forecast an increase of agricultural global product in 2006] The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAIA) forecasts, for 2006, an increase of the global product by 3.9% compared to 2005. In the zootechnical sector, the increase will be about 7.4%, under the condition that all the protection measures of the national producer will be guaranteed, the Minister Anatol Gorodenco announced on Wednesday, June 21. [First eight days of sick leave placed on employee’s and employer’s backs ] The first day of the sick leave will be paid neither by the employer nor by the Social Fund. The employer will be obliged to pay the next 7 days of the employee’s sick leave, and the Social Fund will pay the rest of the days. These changes were operated, on Wednesday, 21 June, by the Government to the Law of July 2004 on allowances for temporary labor incapacity and other social insurance benefits. [Government allowed selling homemade wine but not for consumption] The Government approved on Wednesday meeting, June 21, an amendment to the legislation, allowing selling homemade wine for producing wine alcohol by the wine enterprises. [NSC approved supplementary emissions of shares for two enterprises] The National Securities Commission (NSC) approved within the ordinary meeting on Thursday, June 22 recording in the State Securities Register of the supplementary share emissions for two enterprise of the Republic of Moldova. [*Friday, June 23] [Moldova to pay $160 per 1,000 cubic meters of Russian natural gas starting July 1] Starting July 1, Moldova will purchase Russian natural gas at the price of USD160 per 1,000 cubic meters, according to the press release of the Company „Gazprom”. [ANRE launches Energy Service Consumer’s Guide] The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) will publish, with the assistance of the International Development and Cooperation Swedish Agency (SIDA), the Energy Services Consumer’s Guide, according to Agency’s press release. [“Moldcell” Company concludes bilateral GPRS Roaming agreement with Bulgarian operator ] The „Moldcell” Company concluded a bilateral GPRS Roaming agreement with the Bulgarian operator Mobitel EAD, according to a press release of the mobile telephony operator. [Over 93% of enterprises of Moldova represent the small business] The number of Moldovan enterprises representing the small business got, in the first quarter of 2006, to the figure of 30,800, showing an increase by 2,800 compared to the same period of 2005. Thus, small business entrepreneurs have a share of 93.3 % of the total number of enterprises registered at the moment in Moldova. [Moldovan-Romanian Business Forum strengthen ties between „Romexpo” and „Moldexpo”] The Romanian-Moldovan Business Forum, organized in Chisinau, on 30 June, within the Romanian Economy Week in Moldova, will be a pragmatic one, strengthening the ties between the Exhibition Centers “Romexpo” and “Moldexpo”, “Romexpo” general manager Gheorghe Cojocaru noted. [“Gazprom” not interested in Moldova’s investment projects – expert] The Russian concern “Gazprom” is not interested in the investment projects proposed by the Republic of Moldova and intends to deliver natural gas at the price of 160 USD, declared for Info-Prim Neo the economic analyst, Veaceslav Ionita. [National Bank takes measures to stop inflation dynamics] The National Bank’s (BNM) Council of Administration has decided to keep the base rate of BNM, applied on commercial banks’ refinancing through SS two-month acquisition Repos conducted within NBM open market operations, at the level of 12.5% per year. BNM has made this decision, at its meeting of June 22, taking into account the inflation dynamics and the present condition of the currency market. [Gas price for the second half of 2006 decided on July 1 – Prime Minister ] The Russian Company „Gazprom” will make the final decision regarding the price for gas supplied to Moldova for the second half of 2006 on July 1, when it announces its acceptance or refusal to participate in investment projects of the energy field, proposed by the Moldovan Government. The Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev made this statement on Friday, June23, after the Thursday meeting with the chairman of the Administration Council of the Russian Company „Gazprom”, Alexei Miller, and his deputy Alexandr Reazanov. [*Saturday, June 24] [Current state of energetic sector much better than 3-5 years ago – Prime Minister] The current state of the energetic sector in the Republic of Moldova is much better than 3-5 years ago, prime-minister Vasile Tarlev declared during a meeting regarding the preparations performed by ministries, departments and public institutions for the cold season. [*Sunday, June 25] [Moldovan commercial banks are not affected because of the restrictions on wines export] The commercial banks of the Republic of Moldova are not affected by the restrictions imposed by the Russian Federation on wine exports, the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Leonid Talmaci declared, at a work conference of the president Vladimir Vornin with the heads of commercial banks and decision-making bodies within the Government. According to Talmaci, the credits offered by the commercial banks to the wine-making area constitute only 8% of their assets or only 14% of the total amount of offered credits. On their turn, the presidents of the banks confirmed that on the whole, the situation in the field, as well as within the banks is calm. At the same time they pleaded for the elaboration of enterprises’ development strategies and of the banks’ supporting directions for the wine-making area.

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