Resource centers for diabetes patients to be created in two years

A network of resource centers for strengthening diabetes prevention efforts will be established in the next two years. The institutions will be opened in every Public Health Territorial Center in Moldova and will host education and awareness exercises for diabetes patients and people in the risk groups, IPN learned from a press release of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection.

The project’s authors plan to strengthen the public health system’s capacity to distribute relevant information and knowledge among the population, especially among people with high risk of diabetes and among patients. The project includes the training of trainers, the publication and dissemination of didactic materials for medical workers and educational materials for patients and the rest of the people.

At the moment, there are 100,000 diabetes patients registered in Moldova, including 400 children. Some believe the number to be higher because the rate of early detection of diabetes is low. In most cases, the disease is detected in its advanced stages, which increases the risk of serious and irreversible complications.

At the end of last month, the Tiraspol press announced that a “Diabetes School” would be opened for children of all ages. They would be taught about how to prevent the disease, to control their blood sugar levels and to adapt to the treatment if necessary. The decision to open a resource center for the young ones and their parents is motivated by an increase in the incidence rate of diabetes among children. 

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