Residence visas in Bender cost much
A female citizen living in Peresecina village, Orhei district, is under suspicion of attempting to get 580 euros from two other citizens against support to get residence visas in Bender. The woman pretended she had influence on decision-makers in the Informational Development Ministry, Info-Prim Neo reports.
A communique issued by the Anti-Corruption Center (ECCCC) reads the woman, aged 30, was arrested as she was getting the money.
Having the status of a permanent resident of Transnistria, the two citizens could have benefited of a series of facilities, including paying smaller customs taxes for imported vehicles. They also are entitled to travel on Moldovan territory in cars with Transnistrian number plates. According to the ECCCC, this is a scheme often used by owners of cars with Transnistrian number plates, since the drivers living on the Nistru's right bank are not allowed to travel with cars with Transnistrian number plates.
If found guilty of traffic of influence, the suspect may be fined up to 60,000 lei or jailed up to 7 years.