Rescuers’ recommendations in connection with heavy rain and strong winds

In case of strong winds and heavy rain, rescuers recommend the people to urgently take shelter in a building or car away from wires and trees. During storms, the people must avoid staying under tall installations, such as poles, towers, as well as tall trees. The recommendations were formulated in connection with the yellow and orange bad weather warnings issued by the State Weather Service, IPN reports.

The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations said that the safety distance is equal to the height of the construction. Cables that fell to the ground must not be touched.

During bad weather, electrical appliances must be turned off and the windows and doors of the home must be tightly closed. As metal objects and radiators are conductors of electricity, these should not be touched.

Particular attention should be paid to minors. Children must not be left unattended even for short periods of time.

In case of risk situations, help can be requested at the emergency number 112.

The State Weather Service issued yellow and orange unstable weather warnings for Saturday and Sunday. Rain accompanied by thunder and lightning, in parts torrential one (water quantities of 15-49 l/m2), and also by high winds (15-20 m/s), was forecast.

According to specialists, the rain will generate intensive runoff on slopes, thus increasing the risk of local flooding. In small rivers, the level of water will rise by 0.20-0.60 m, in parts by even 0.60-1.40 m. The water will flow within the limits of the minor riverbed.

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