Republic's Day becomes again Independence Day

The Government Thursday approved modifications to article 111 of the Labor Code, replacing the phrase “August 27 – the Republic's Day” with “August 27 – the Republic's Independence Day”, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family Valentina Buliga, this way the holiday will regain its true historical meaning. The executive also formulated an amendment to the Parliament's decision of December 26, 1990 on the public holidays and commemorative days, declaring April 27 as the State Flag's Day. Minister of Justice Alexandru Tanase said the Ministry of Justice drafted the given decision on the suggestion of the public association “Parlamentul 90”. According to the minister, it was a good initiative as the State Flag is one of the official symbols of Moldova's sovereignty and independence. Similar days are marked in such countries as Romania, Ukraine and Russia. On the State Flag's Day, the public authorities and the state institutions will stage different cultural-educative events.

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