Republicans seek ban on parties that caused public violence

The Republican People's Party (PPR) is asking the authorities to suspend the activities of all the parties and organizations that caused the recent public violence and is calling on citizens to show zero tolerance to any displays of xenophobia, discrimination on ethnic and linguistic grounds, and in particular disrespect for the official language, PPR said in a statement. The PPR insists that the parties and other political organizations which plead against political pluralism, the rule of law, sovereignty and independence of Moldova should be sanctioned, including by being outlawed. To put an end to division within society, the PPR suggests that a civil pact should be signed between the governmental authorities, the political parties and movements, and civil society organizations, which lays out their commitment to refrain from any statements or actions that may provoke controversies on ethnic and linguistic issues. The PPR further recalls in its statement that a democratic state is obligated to recognize and guarantee the right of every citizen to preserve, develop and express his or her ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity.

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